Excel Clock Chart Download the file When we look at a clock, we are looking at the first chart invented by the human kind, so why not build one in Excel? The steps are not
Tag Archives: vba
Building a searchable Userform using a Recordset In my previous post How to create a disconnected recordset I showed how to create a disconnected Recordset with ADO. Now we will use this disconnected recordset to create a
Disconnected Recordsets Disconnected Recordsets are great when you want to retrieve and work with data from your database without the risk of creating conflicts with other users, in fact they are a fully functional Recordsets
Excel VBA – Number to Letters Series Progression The other day I saw a forum question where somebody wanted to convert a number to a letter sequence going from A to Z (26 letters in
Custom Excel Date Picker Issue with the MonthView Control Click to Download the Custom Excel Date Picker Excel does not really provide a good way for the user to pick a date from a calendar